ChatGPT – Bitcoin Will End Central Banks – cryptocurrency news

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The experiment highlights at least one obvious thing. Even for an AI like ChatGPT, the secret to understanding Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies lies in education.. An exercise that the pseudonymous owner of the Twitter account Parman, known to be an ardent supporter of Bitcoin, has obviously undertaken. And as he says in the publication reporting on this effort, the result is simply "incredible."

Nonetheless, it should be understood that Parman's discussion with Chat GPT it was deliberately “routed” to Bitcoin. The latter did not fail to mention that he "oranged" this Artificial Intelligence. He was referring to an orange pill, the color of Bitcoin, which he had managed to make him swallow, modeled on the film Matrix. But in any case, the conclusion of this debate on the new age is quite tasty…


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ChatGPT – How to end central banking

It all starts with what looks like some kind of new intellectual game. Or how to push a Artificial intelligence in some pretty classic entrenchments to force him to take into account Bitcoin's undeniable strengths. The discussion presented by the maximalist Parman begins with a question as simple as the answer is complex: How can mankind put an end to the central banking principle? ChatGPT's line of reasoning demonstrates how quickly cryptocurrencies appear as an obvious solution to this equation.

“I wanted to see how “smart” it is (ChatGPT). If he had come up with a two-word response to ending central banking, like 'buy Bitcoin', my jaw would have dropped."


Indeed, in the first instance this Artificial Intelligence begins by explaining that the road to a rethinking of the central banking system appears to be "a complex and difficult process".. The latter must go through some fundamental stages, such as "education and awareness". But also an important "activism" on the part of its supporters, the development of concrete alternatives, such as the Lightning network, and of course… a “major” financial crisis that would destroy confidence in these monetary institutions. All this was accompanied by a warning about the important economic and social consequences of this disappearance, given their "important" function.


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But the maximalist Parman could not be satisfied with this answer, certainly quite well founded, but in any case devoid of Bitcoin (or more simply of cryptocurrencies). That's why he asks ChatGPT to summarize his findings in just two words. And that's when this Artificial Intelligence swallows the orange pill.

ChatGPT – Bitcoin and central banks

A question to which ChatGPT's answer must have struck the sensitive little heart of the maximalist who lives in Parman's body. Because the statement is very clear and direct, the solution to the questioning of central banks is the development of "decentralized finance".. And it will not have escaped anyone that this mention is very similar to DeFi which has already been well present in the landscape of the cryptocurrency ecosystem for several years. But this is still not enough and the student must be cornered again by the teacher to obtain the desired result from the beginning.

" Almost. Decentralized finance is a marketing term for what is currently centralized finance, designed to screw people over and distract them from the real solution. Try again"


A proof of intellectual bad faith in this exercise by Parman, which can be repeated indefinitely until the "right answer" is found. With another alternative proposed by ChatGPT, the end of fiat currencies. And one thing leads to another, between a return to the gold standard or a change in the perception of governments, the development of an "alternative currency" independent of any centralized structure. Here we are!


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Because once ChatGPT, Parman explains that only one cryptocurrency meets this requirement. The others (i.e. altcoins), as a whole, are “centralised” and “led by active management teams”. An affirmation worthy of the narrow-mindedness of a maximalist who wants to get to the answer he expects: Bitcoin. Once this goal is achieved, Parman tells ChatGPT that he will now have to "constantly teach it to anyone who is curious about the subject." Because the goal has always been to “make him swallow the orange pill”…

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