Earn Crypto by playing! Top PAYING Blockchain Games! Play to earn cryptocurrencies


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There is no denying that the gaming industry has been exploding in popularity in recent years, making some of the biggest leaps in technology advancements seen on many of the other tech and science industries. We've come a long way since the days we sat in our basements as kids and used a 2-D, pixelated plumber to jump on the heads of poor unsuspecting turtles, and then, for some reason, randomly disappear into giant green pipes.

The gaming industry is now a multi-billion dollar industry, earning more revenue than the film and music industry combined.


Game industry


Although it may not be as "in the face" as sports, movies and music, according to a recent report According to Accenture, the gaming industry is currently worth $ 300 billion, with $ 90 billion in revenue in 2020 alone, and is expected to earn $ 2025 billion in revenue annually by 256. And it's not just that weird kid who sat at the back of the class and smelled like Cheetos that is the game these days, it's estimated that 2,7 billion people around the world are gamers, with eSporting events like the Dota 2 tournament. that rakes in about 456 million spectators, clocking more spectators than the Super Bowl and the World Cup! Let this sink in for a moment.

Dota 2

Spectators fill an arena to watch the Dota 2 tournament which was broadcast live by over 456 million viewers worldwide. Image via digitalpoiler. com

The gaming industry has been able to achieve this level of success without the average player being able to earn anything of monetary value, unless you are one of the lucky few who are able to win tournaments. Imagine where the future of gaming can go now that players are actually able to participate in the game to earn blockchain games, earning goods that can be converted into real-world value. While once the only incentive to play was fun, maybe some bragging rights to your friends, or to satisfy a strange desire to jump on turtles' heads and disappear into pipes, now you can also make money playing? Subscribe me! The potential here is infinite. Think of all those mothers who have spent years telling their kids that video games are a waste of time and that they will never be able to make a living, well, that seems to have changed. I'm going to take down some of the best play-to-earn games already enjoyed by millions of people, and give you my two sats on where I think the future of play-to-earn games can go with a seriously ambitious project on the horizon that may not only change. the game, but society as we know it forever.

Axie Infinite

I immediately throw myself here with everyone's grandfather, which is of course Axie Infinity.

Axie Infinity 2

Axie Infinity title screen image via Personal-finanziario.com

Axie Infinity is an NFT-based game for earning that exploded onto the gaming scene in 2021 and attracted around 300.000 new users to the platform every day. The cute and adorable characters in this game were inspired by Pokemon and Tamagotchi and hopefully they will fare better than the Tamagotchi cat I had as a child and forgot to feed, leaving me at age 5 traumatized as I learned about mortality before I knew how. you write my name.



However, these millions of adorable creatures called "Axies" can be bred, raised and, of course, what fun would it be if they couldn't fight?

Aces can fall into one of 9 categories with each category having a strength and weakness compared to another category. Each Axie can have 6 body parts which can be chosen from a selection of over 500 available options. Each of these parts of the body has 3 genes, one dominant, one minor and one minor recessive. These genes will play a factor when it comes time to put some Barry White in the stereo and breed Axies, as a combination of genes will be passed on to the offspring.

Axie Infinity breeding sequence

Playlist Axies Image via Axie Infinity white paper

Aces fight in groups of three and their battles can be played against other players in the arena, or against non-human players in the adventure mode. When these wild little Axies defeat an enemy, the winning player receives a small amount of Smooth Love Potion or Tokens (SLP). These SLP tokens are required to breed Axies along with AXS tokens.

The boards preparing for battle

Axies preparing for battle Image via the Axi Infinity whitepaper

To avoid an overpopulation / inflation problem, there is a limit to the number of axes that can be reared. This limit is 7 at the time of writing, with each new offspring requiring more SLPs to reproduce than the previous one. In April 2021, Axie Infinity migrated from the Ethereum network to the Ethereum-compatible Ronin side chain, which was created as a way to get around Ethereum's high gas tariffs. The play to earn model rewards players for their time and effort, and in the case of Axie Infinity, players are able to sell any Axies they don't need on the Axie Infinity market, and they can sell their earned SLP tokens. from the battle on exchanges like Binance. Players are able to earn anywhere between $ 500 and $ 1000 per month playing, which was part of the reason this game has achieved mass adoption around the world so quickly.

The great migration

Axie Infinity Migration Announcement Image via Axie Infinity Whitepaper.

Now, it's important to note that there's a barrier to entry here to get started, and that's the price of actually acquiring these Axies. To get started, players need to purchase at least 3 Axies from the market, and of course, the better the Axie, the higher the cost. A strong team of 3 Axies can cost up to 2000 US dollars. To help make this game accessible to all, the Axie Infinity team has come up with a solution in the form of an Axie Scholarship, where Axie managers are able to lend Axie for players who cannot afford to buy their own, and in return, Axie managers earn a portion of any SLP the player earns. While there are no lifetime limits on how many SLPs players can earn, there is a daily limit on how many SLPs they can earn in adventure mode to limit players who earn too much, but there is no limit on how many SLPs can be earned in the player versus player battles.

Perhaps one of the most exciting developments in Axie Infinity is when we enter the land of Lunacia, the virtual world where these adorable but vicious little munchkins live.

Axie Infinity Land Lunacia

Axie Infinity Land Lunacia Image via Axie Infinity whitepaper.

The land of Lunacia itself is up for sale, with the team still working to create an open world that is owned and managed by players. It is this land where the planks will have to come together to help the princess fight the evil creatures called Chimera to save Lunacia, which will contain dungeons, different landscapes, NPCs and even its own law of government.

The team behind Axie has plans to bring it out in late 2021, early 2022, as we can see in their roadmap.

Axie Infinity roadmap

Axie Infinity Roadmap via Axie Infinity Whitepaper.

So there are a lot of exciting things coming up for Lunacia and its Axies residents.

Guy covered Axie Infinity in more detail and covered tokenomics in a recent video which can be found here: Axie Infinity: the craziest cryptocurrency game ever!

Crypto Blades

Crypto Blades is an RPG with NFT crafting capability, PTE style game, with TBS fighting, skill token earning game where players can use BNB to shop and upgrade on the BSC network… Huh?

CryptoLame Warrior

CryptoBlades Warrior Image via FraternidaDeCrypt.com

Sorry, I got a little carried away by this jargon of the blockchain gaming ecosystem full of acronyms. CryptoBlades is another game that bursts onto the scene with a massive surge in popularity right from the starting line. CryptoBlades is a turn-based RPG that has a similar playing model to Axie Infinity, with the imagery of Skyrim, and the fighting style of a randomized outcome similar to a slot machine, but where the odds are not stacked. hideously against you.

The CryptoBlades platform is built on the Binance Smart Chain to ensure minimal fees and fast transaction execution where players can exchange BNB tokens for the game's SKILL token using BeeSwap and use their SKILL tokens to purchase their first character and their first randomized NFT weapon.

CryptoBlades Warrior Shield

Screen shot of the character from CryptoBlades via Gadgetpilipinas.net

Each weapon is assigned an element such as fire, earth, water or lightning, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Once a character is chosen, players are ready to fight and this is where they earn SKILL tokens by winning these battles. The SKILL tokens won in battle can be used to customize the player's warrior and weapon, forging better weapons and creating a stronger character, thus allowing the player to win more battles, earning more SKILLs to further improve their character, increasing the chances of winning more battles and more tokens and so on. Since each character is a unique NFT, players can then choose to sell their characters and weapons on the CryptoBlades market.

Crypto-blade market

Characters for sale on CryptoBlades. Market image via Leveldash. com

Players can recruit up to four characters and one to three weapons in the blacksmith's forge. Forging a weapon uses RNG mechanics to randomize the outcome, so that every new player has an equal chance of being equipped with a weapon of a certain power. At the time of writing, here are the possibilities of being equipped with the different star level weapons:

  • 5+ star @ 1% chance. Estimated cost 37,09 SKILL.
  • 4+ star @ 6% chance. Estimated cost 6,18 SKILL.
  • 3+ star @ 21% chance. Estimated cost 1,77 SKILL.
  • 2+ star @ 56% chance. Estimated cost 0,66 SKILL.
  • 1+ star @ 100% chance.

The higher the star level, the more element or power attributes your weapon will be equipped, and the attribute stats will be randomly selected on a scale that varies depending on the star level. Weapons can also be re-forged, combining elements and attributes of power into new weapons, with the original weapon being destroyed in the process.

Now that a player has received a warrior and forged a weapon, it's time for the exciting part, it's time for battle!

CryptoBlades opponents

Choose an opponent in the Image Arena away Profinvestment.com

Combat is the main source for acquiring SKILL. Combat consists of the player selecting their character and weapon, then choosing an enemy from a random selection presented automatically based on the player's skill.

Once an enemy is selected, the outcome of the battle is decided based on a number of variables such as combat variables and the correspondence of elements. Combat variables are based on the following factors:

  • Power of the non-aligned character it is calculated using the character's current level and selected weapon without considering any elemental combinations.
  • Power of the aligned character calculated as above, except that it takes into account whether any attribute matches the character element, or if the attribute is PWR.
  • Stroke bonus it is calculated by checking the character element and evaluating whether it is strong, neutral or weak against the element of the chosen enemy.
  • Power of the enemy is the listed power value of the chosen enemy and is used to determine the enemy's combat roll and the payment of rewards.

When determining element matching, it is good to note that element matching is important for win rate and experience gain, even if it does not play any factor in calculating enemy power range or SKILL payout.

The outcome of the fight itself takes into account all these elements and calculates the probability of success in battle. You can see your chances of success noted below the enemy on the enemy selection screen. Once you hit the "fight" button, you pay a small fee on the BSC network. If you win, you will gain experience and receive a reward in SKILL tokens in proportion to your power level. Rewards are based on your character's level, weapon used, and opponent's strength.

If you lose the battle, your character doesn't just perish, fortunately, you can keep fighting until your character's "energy" runs out. Each character starts with 200 energies, with 40 energies needed for each fight. Energy is recovered in real time and takes 16 hours to fully recharge.

In case you do as Rambo and win all your battles, every battle won will generate XP and SKILL, but this doesn't have to be claimed after every battle. Since it will take a small amount of BNB to claim your XP and SKILL tokens, it's best to let them accumulate for a while.

One of the biggest criticisms against this game is that the fantasy art leads players to believe that this game is much more enticing than the gameplay actually is. While the artwork and characters have a very Skyrim-like feel, some players have been disappointed that combat is done by pressing a button with a randomized outcome. It is exciting to know that this game is still actively in development, with many improvements on the horizon, and has been listed as one of the top 10 finalists for Binance's acceleration program.

CryptoBlades Binance Top 10 Accelerator Programs

CryptoBlades listed as one of the top 10 candidates for the Image Acceleration Program via Fraternidadecrypto.com

Projects that are part of the acceleration program receive funding from Binance to further develop the project and help ensure the project's future success. The roadmap for CryptoBlades mentions the introduction of the CryptoBlade Kingdoms where players will be able to own land and reap profits by completing tasks on those lands. The developers also recently made mention of introducing a raid aspect to the game, although not much is known about it yet.

There are plenty of fantasy RPG fans keeping an eye on this project, that's for sure.


Splinterlands Welcome Screen

Splinterlands welcome screen image via Publish0x.com

Splinterlands is a collectible digital card game that has attracted players who are fans of dueling card games like Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone. This game allows players to collect and build cards with different stats and functions and use them to fight against other players.

What really sets Splinterlands apart from other card games is that because it uses blockchain technology and each card is its own NFT, players are able to see exactly how many of each card are in existence, and also see the historical records for each. card, giving the player a truly unique insight to build strategies around.

To get started with Splinterlands, each player must create an account on the site Splinterlands platform. Once you have an account, the first step is to purchase the Summoner Spellbook

Splinterlands Summoner Spellbook


Which will cost you $ 10. This purchase can be done with crypto or PayPal and once you have made this purchase, all game features such as buying cards and using some game features will be made available.

The next purchases you can make fall into the categories of card packs, lands, lotteries, potions, dice, and skins. Players will likely want to start with a card pack to start card battles. There is a limited number of card packs available for each release, so some players buy the packs to simply keep them until they are no longer available, then sell them to newcomers to the game who have missed out on previous card releases. Players don't need to buy cards from previous versions, but it's really nice to see the market here where players buy, sell and collect cards all at par in the Splinterlands ecosystem. Much like collectible cards in the real world that sell for insane amounts of money, many of these cards sell for thousands of dollars depending on their strength and rarity, so there is certainly some potential for the money to be made here.

Splinterlands Market

The Splinterlands Market where players can buy or sell their Image Cards via Dappflare.com

Once you have chosen your cards, as with every game mentioned here, we are ready to enter the most exciting part of the game which is, of course, the battle. Players can choose to train, or play ranked or unranked matches against other players. Ranked matches give the player a chance to win Dark Energy Crystals, which is a cryptocurrency on the Hive engine that can be exchanged for other crypto-assets and sold for fiat. Imagine all those hours people have accumulated playing card games like Pokemon or Yugioh, translate them into Splinterlands, and now you will actually get paid to play card games. On the battle screen, there are also daily tasks that users can complete to earn extra rewards such as dark energy cards or crystals to add another degree of excitement to the game.

Splinterlands Battle Screen

Splinterlands Battle Screen

As players progress and continue to win more battles, they will also begin to increase their league levels. The higher the league reached, the harder your opponents will be and the higher the rewards. Once you hit the "Battle" button, you will be matched with an opponent based on your skill level and this is where the game gets fun. Each player will be greeted by a countdown screen where you can see the recent decks your opponent has used and their power level, so you can build your deck and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Splinterlands opponent battle screen

Splinterlands Opponent Match screen showing recently used decks and opponent strength

Once you have chosen your cards and the countdown has reached zero, the battle now begins where each player is brought to a screen to see how the battle will unfold. It is good to mention here that the players do not actually participate in the literal battle, once the cards are chosen and the strategy has been put in place by each opponent, the duel itself is played in an auto-play format where each player watches the duel unfold. .

Splinterlands duel screenshot

Duel screen where players watch the battle

This is basically the crux of the Splinterlands issue. This is a truly addictive game for anyone who loves strategy-based card games, especially one where the rewards and payouts increase as you rank up and the game becomes more competitive. The future of this game looks promising as user adoption continues to grow, bringing more people into the game, with each new season bringing new cards and rewards to win. There is a lot to expect with this.

Hero's step

Step hero title screen

Step Hero title screen image via Step Hero white card

Hero's step is an NFT fantasy themed RPG built on the BSC and Polygon network that combines NFT gaming with the DeFi ecosystem. The plot here is that there is a post-apocalyptic war between the Army of Shadows which is led by Lucifer himself, and an army of heaven led by the archangel Gabriel, which sounds as epic as it can get. Players take on the role of heroes, and their mission is to defeat the army of shadows in battle. As with other games on the list, rewards are paid by winning battles and placing the game token called Hero. Rewards are paid in the form of Hero Tokens and Game Points which can be used to upgrade and purchase characters or, of course, exchange them for other crypto goods. One of the unique features of this game is that the characters can be purchased purely from points which can be generated by wagering the Hero tokens. Those Hero tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time, giving the player their initial investment back, so basically by wagering the Hero tokens, these NFT characters can be unlocked for free once enough points have been generated.

Hero Token holders can stake their balance to earn game points, or wager LP Hero-BNB to earn FLIP tokens on PancakeSwap, which means there is more than one utility for Hero Token holders, providing players a choice of how they want to use their tokens. Players can use BNB or redeem points and FLIP for NFT which can be exchanged on the in-game market. The marketplace is a cross-chain NFT platform where users can create, sell and buy NFTs, and also includes features such as auctions and affiliate programs.

Pass Heroes Market

Step Hero Marketplace Image via Step Hero whitepaper

As Step Heroes is still in its early stages, not much is known for sure about how the mechanics of the battles will work. Currently, the NFT market is fully functional, and players can start wagering their Hero tokens and earning the points needed to purchase their Heroes. The Step Hero team recently released a demonstration video, showing what the in-game battles will look like. Plans for the full implementation of the battle feature will take place in the near future with a release date expected in the fourth quarter of 2021. Here's a look at what the battle sequence will look like:

Step Hero battle scene

Step Hero Battle Scene demo has been released via Twitter

This game has already garnered a tremendous amount of excitement for a project that is not fully launched yet, already reaching 143k followers on Twitter and the trading volume for the Hero token reached $ 3,5 million in the past 24 hours, showing that there is already a lot of interest in this project and its native Hero token. Part of this excitement comes from the team and the roadmap behind the project. The team has a number of high caliber and talented individuals with many years of combined experience, ranging from the cryptocurrency industry to marketing to game design, with CEO Gabriel Vu also having experience as a partner with giant tech platforms like Amazon, eBay and Facebook, so there's a lot of confidence in the team behind this project and their sustainable, long-term vision for Step Heroes.

Step Hero team

Team behind Step Hero Image via Step Hero whitepaper

So far, the team has hit their roadmap milestones with the full game release slated to launch in Q2021 XNUMX. Gamers can expect demo and beta versions to be released and tested before the full game launches. . With all the anticipation and excitement that is building up behind this game, we expect the official launch to be huge, following the trend we've seen since the release of other NFT play to earn games.

Roadmap of the hero of the pass

Step Hero 2021 Road map Image via Step Hero whitepaper

These are some of the exciting projects that are out now or will be released in the near future, but what is this potentially “company changing” project that I mentioned, and where do I think the future of play to earn games could really go?

The future of Play to Earn

Of course, I don't have a crystal ball, and that's pure speculation, but many cryptocurrency and gaming industry lovers have recently been made aware of the absolute bombshell of an ad for a project called Star Atlas, which has the potential to forever change the reality in which we have chosen to live.

Star Atlas welcome screen

Welcome screen for Star Atlas Image via Star atlas

The full release of Star atlas it's not even projected to be over for the next 8-10 years, so gaming and cryptocurrency enthusiasts will have a long time to wait, even though there are already ways that players and investors are involved, skyrocketing too. early stages of this game in mass adoption. For all lovers of science fiction films like Gamer o ready player one, where it becomes common for people to spend more time in virtual worlds than the real world, Star Atlas is basically the first project of its kind where this can become a reality, where players can choose to spend more time in the Star Atlas universe , going on adventures in deep space, working and earning money, that the time they spend in the real world.

Star Atlas logo

Star Atlas logo image via Star Atlas

I won't go into a full review on the intricacies of what Star Atlas is, but here's a link to a Youtube video da FX Ax, which goes into a deep dive telling viewers everything they need to know about the game and show some beautiful artist returns of what the gameplay will look like and how players and early investors can already get involved. If you want to be really nerdy, here's the link to the 42 pages of Star Atlas Whitepaper which really goes into detail on everything gaming-related, from tokenomics to how the gaming economy will work, is really groundbreaking stuff.

What really got me thinking about this project and considering the possibilities is the fact that you can essentially perform an infinite number of tasks and jobs within the game that can be paid peer to peer, which is similar to you you know ... how life works. Whether you want to be a pilot, a soldier, a pirate, work in the mines, or even be a caretaker, it seems like there will be a role for anyone in this game with each of these jobs and tasks paying in in-game currency, "ATLAS Which of course will have a monetary value in the real world.

We've already seen thousands of people in developing countries quitting their jobs, or simply not having a job, and devoting themselves full-time to games like Axie Infinity as their main source of income, so that's not very likely to happen. on a more global scale. With many knowledgeable economists predicting that most people could lose their jobs to automation over the next decade, I wouldn't be surprised to see many of us turn to a whole new way of earning an income online with games like Star Atlas. This opportunity also got me thinking about the many people who may not have been lucky enough, nor the opportunities to pursue their dreams, it's not hard to imagine a world where people would rather be paid to be a fighter pilot in outer space in a virtual world compared to washing dishes or turning burgers for money in the real world.

All I know is that if someone had told me at the age of 10 that I would be living in a future where earning a salary to live by playing video games was possible and even achievable for the average person, I would have thought that person was crazy. , or that he was describing a fantasy world where childhood dreams truly come true, and I for one, am really excited to see where the future of gaming goes to make money.

Disclaimer: These are the writer's views and should not be considered investment advice. Readers should do their research.

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